Monday 17 November 2014

Long Time No Sea

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't been posting as of late, I just finished my exam block today.

I would love to say that I was furiously studying the whole past 2 weeks but it just isn't the truth.

Don't get me wrong, I studied, but not enough or at the appropriate times.

I took a very relaxed approach to them which surprised me as usually I'm freaking out about stuff.

Then I realised that I do freak out about stuff, just at the wrong times as well.

You see... there's this thing called procrastination...

Hahahah but enough about that :P

I think I'm going to say that this year was my test run year because it was the first ever exam block for me. Our school doesn't have them till yearlies for year 9 for some reason. Suits me ;)

You're probably wondering why I have a terrible pun in my subject line and that's because it's super duper hot here in Australia at the moment so it's beach season!!

So pumped. 

Everyone around school is suddenly slimming down at an alarming rate. It's weird to sea. 

I haven't been to the beach in what feels like ages, so I'm probs going to overdose on beaches these holidays.

I can imagine having snow at Christmas even though I've only seen snow once before. Probably because of all the american tv shows and the advertising. But I still love having Christmas in summer.

It's my favourite season plus the whole fam is in the pool :) We do have a roast dinner but we all find ourselves either in the pool or rolling around in grass, not cooped up with warm coco :P Plus we have summer holidays (summer break for you U.S of As) so our Christmas break is 2 months whoooo

What's your favourite season? Enjoy the snow if you're on the other side of the equator, we're just fine with our cool drinks and sunscreen down here :D