Tuesday 21 October 2014

Broccoli and Beetroot and Pets and Peeves

I hate broccoli but I love beetroot

I am 14, but like many 14 year olds I like to think that I am much older and wiser

It's fair enough...

I don't answer those who ask after my age "14 going on 15" (and that, for me, is a 
defining factor of my maturity since I have been saying it for the other 13 years of my life)

and I never really went through that "overrated" stage ("touch wood" *touches wood*)

Nor do I fangirl over any of the latest boy bands or read any magazines

Though I do say "like" constantly and unnecessarily (I need to get rid of that habit, soooo cliché)

and I do love a chick-flick (guilty pleasure)

and I have a few pet peeves 

(not that that's immature or teenager-ish, I don't think. I'm just trying to transition from one topic to another smoothly, but am obviously failing in the process)

So please, let me launch my blog (origin: weblog) with a few of them. 

You may find that you pet the same peeves as me

or peeve on the same pets

Either way, tell me what yours are

If you can't think of any, then tell me simply about your pets (or your peeves)

1) When people say "Happy Christmas" - it just doesn't sound right. Be merry at Christmas please, it's more fitting (like your pants by the end of Christmas lunch)

2) "Good thanks" in reply to "How are you?" I don't want to know what sort of a person you are, but how you are going. "Well thanks" is the correct answer. Though everyone tells me how good or bad they are these days, so it only bugs me slightly.

3) General grammatical and spelling mistakes. (I'm no expert on grammar, I've probably made heaps of mistakes by now, but the simple ones are frustrating. Especially if it is a published piece.)

4) When someone is a really slow typer or are completing something slower than I would. I am an impatient person 

5) When you are socialising in person and people are on their phones. I may as well pick up my phone and start messaging you from 2 feet away, I mean, that is your preferred method of interaction, right? Or do you not like interacting at all? In that case, please choose the old-fashioned method of just not turning up.

So Hi World, I'm TheFaultyPoet, and I hate broccoli but I love beetroot


  1. Lots of relatable stuff here, ya weirdo xx

  2. Thanks lovely ;) good to hear you enjoyed it xx
