Wednesday 29 October 2014

Music Is Love Music Is Life

I listen to a lot of music.

Some people like to explore and find different music all the time, whereas others just listen to a group of songs over and over until they've heard it too many times and then ditch it.

I am the latter.

I don't know where I find any of my music. I mean I have Spotify and use YouTube yet I still don't know where I find it all.

I make playlists, or just keep all the songs next to each other in my youtube history, and listen to them over and over. I usually listen to them before going to sleep each night.

The thing with my music is that it has to tell a story for me

If it doesn't tell a story, no good.

I daydream and create scenarios when listening to music. I conjure up a scene that changes slightly each time I listen to the song till it becomes perfected. Once it is perfected there are only so many times I can imagine it before I get bored and move onto the next song.

The cool thing about it is that because the scenarios usually correlate to what is happening in my life at that time, whenever I hear the song it is like a memory of not only the daydream but that little snippet of my life. And not even just a memory, all the emotions that come with it too. Music is pretty cool in that way.

Memory Through Music.

That should become a thing. I reckon it would help people associate things and therefore remember them. What do you think?

Though I was sorta lying when I said that if it doesn't tell a story it isn't any good. This whole DayDreamingSongListeningThingo only started this year. Plus there are heaps of songs that I listen to occasionally that I really really like.

I love party music... but only when with other people. 
I love reflective music... but I have to be in the mood. 
I love all music... it just depends what's up (or down, or around and around)

For example a few months back my best friend was teasing me about how I listened to heavy metal before going to bed. I don't just listen to heavy metal anymore, there might be a few in the mix though.

I also really love music by artists of other nationalities. I am learning french so here are a few of the artistes I've been listening to of late;

Check out Dis Moi


Check out On ira

Coeur de Pirate

Check out Adieu

It was hard to pick just one song for each. Look at their other music too :) 

You might find you like la scène française

Please recommend me others :D Any nationality - go! 

Plus I've memorised the first verse of the Cuban song Represent by The Orishas (found that one through Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights). I was supposed to memorise the rest of it but I haven't really got round to it just yet :P oops

So yeah, check out some of the music I've mentioned, and please, divulge some for me.

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